Watching Obama become president made me quite sentimental for my old city of Washington, D.C. I also felt elated to see this moment finally arrive. I teach at an urban school where 99% of the population is African American. So I felt like I connected with this moment in a unique way. My scholars all came to school beaming on the day of the inauguration with gigantic pins of the Obama family on the front of their uniform shirts. We went on a field trip the entire day. Although we arrived back to school exhausted, the fourth grade spilled into the cafeteria where our principal set up the television for us to watch the inauguration taped. My kids eyes were sagging with fatigue but when he walked out with Michelle they sat up as big smiles tumbled onto their faces. As Obama gave his speech they listened and cheered. Sometimes they clapped in the middle of his sentence, at times for no apparent reason but simply because these kids-were excited.
What an amazing thing to see but the hope and excitement on the faces of 9 year olds. Although they may not fully understand terms like 'recession,' 'collapsed economy' 'health care' but they get it. These kids know something big has happened, will happen.
Today I told them about how much my mom loved JFK. They sat real close to me, blinking their eyes hard, curious... eager. And then at the end of my story, I said the way my mom felt about him is how many of you feel for your new president. So make sure you never forget this moment in your life, because one day you will be telling your story. They nodded, because although these kids are 9 they understand what I meant, maybe far better than many of us.
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