It's a new year and hence many of us are making little resolutions. Some are big and many small. But as we watch the ball drop, we can't help but repeat our lil' resolution in our heads. We say it a hundred times as if that in some way will ensure that we will, this year...actually, keep our new years promise.
There are oh so many things to resolve to do in a new year. Such as: I will become a patient person who jumps out of bed every morning for work with a gigantic smile plastered across my face. Or: I will volunteer every weekend for the next 52 weeks. Even in blizzards. Or I will stop saying F*ck no more than 10 times a day.
But one of my favorite little resolutions that is oh so unoriginal but yet quite endearing is the promise of THIS year I will go to the gym and loose those love handles! I will loose those pounds!
I personally have never made this my own new years resolution. Even after quite a few drinks on new years eve, I try to keep my resolutions more manageable such as . I will make my bed every day. OR I will listen to the news and actually set my alarm 20 minutes early to ensure I have time to scrape the mountain of snow off my car to avoid being late for work. But after seeing the swarm of new workout rookies maybe I should make my goals loftier, or should I?
The past couple days at Bally's Total Fitness it has honestly been an ant farm. There are people crawling everywhere! The personal trainers are racing around like unfed mice sweat flooding from their heads as they slap a smile across their faces and give personal training session after session after session...
I've become used to the medium flow of the gym or the quiet hum of a Saturday workout as I pedal away on the bike. But now its swarming from every side. People are frolicking about in their new work out clothes hopping on tread mills, bikes, elliptical machines with issues of US Weekly glued in their hands.
It's almost inspiring. I almost felt guilty because a line was forming waiting for machines as I huffed and puffed away on my machine. I look around and its cute the way everyone is filled with motivation and hope for 2009. Its like almost a good ol' middle finger to the economy in ways. Its almost like we are uniting with a message of hope: I may not have a job but god help me I will fit into my skinny jeans!
But as I'm later waiting for a treadmill, my stomach growling for its dinner... I can't help but think, "Do these new bees really believe in themselves enough?" Will you all be here two months from now?
Probably not. But oh how good it feels to have enough faith in ourselves to make the goal in the first place.
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