Long distance relationships really suck. For many obvious reasons. But for a few slightly less apparent. Such as the following:
1. When my light bulbs burn out in my room, they seem to go unfixed.
2. I can't really know for sure that my boyfriend has shaved for the day.
3. My heating bill is higher because I have no warm body by my side.
4. Going to Chili's isn't as fun anymore.
5. There's nobody to fight over the TV with.
6. It costs approximately 8 dinners out together to pay for one plane ticket to see each others' face.
7. When I tell stories, my best audience is missing.
8. It would take me over 15 hours to drive to his house to watch a new episode of The Office.
9. I may get a flat tire because he isn't here to tell me to put air in my tires.
10. My Christmas lights fell down...AGAIN.
11. Facebook wall I miss you posts are a shock to your system: like going from eating from Whole Foods to eating at Mcdonalds. The number 2 super size just doesn't hack it.
But at least we are have free verizon to verizon connection.
Or else the relationship would really be doomed:)
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